
Children’s Exhibit Remodel

Help us to update our popular Children’s exhibit, located on the 2nd floor of the museum. These three rooms have been well-used for almost a decade and deserve a fresh look and theme.

Currently, the exhibit “Frontier Town” has provided hours of fun for pretend play that includes: transportation, general store, and homestead.

What’s up next?

One-Room Schoolhouse! Everything you need to get ready for school at home, don’t forget your lunch pail and piece of coal for the schoolhouse stove and then hunkering down with your McGuffie Readers to learn reading, writing, and arithmetic in the little school on the prairie.

How can you help?

Please consider a contribution towards our “CHILDREN’S EXHIBIT REMODEL PROJECT.” Your funds will provide years of creative and imaginative play that will delight our youngest of patrons.

Thank you for your support!