Contact Us

Contact us with questions about projects, donations, membership, and more. Don’t hesitate to reach out!


Frequently Asked Questions!

  • Are the Museum archives available for public use?

    The archives are available to the public, with some limitations. Contact the Museum for further details.

  • How can I donate an artifact?

    Contact the Museum by phone (605-626-7117) or email. Due to space limitations, not all items can be accepted. The Museum is interested in items used in Brown County that tell the story of life on the Dakota prairie. Be prepared to give a description of the item(s), and explain their history. All donations must be unconditional gifts to be used at the Museum’s discretion, and have a free and clear title.

    Please see our Collection Wish List

  • I would like to find out what this is worth

    The Museum staff does not and cannot appraise items. However, we will make recommendations to donors seeking independent, qualified appraisals.

  • Why isn’t there more in the Museum about….?

    The Museum only exhibits about 10% of its collection at any one time. Exhibits are planned for over a year in advance and are constantly changing. We are happy to take suggestions for topics for future exhibits, although it may be some time before the exhibit will be up, should the topic be selected.

21 S. Main St., Aberdeen, SD 57401
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Phone: 605-626-7117

Gallery & Gift Shop: Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 11am-4pm
Closed Sundays, Mondays & Major Holidays
Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm