Town in the Frog Pond: A Children’s Exhibit About Early Aberdeen
“Town in the Frog Pond: A Children’s Exhibit About Early Aberdeen” Helen Bergh Education Room (September 16 to Thursday, November 9) BUILD A TOWN! A temporary pop-up exhibit for children as construction continues on our permanent children’s room: Town in the Frog Pond is an exhibit that educates about the very earliest days of the town of Aberdeen and provides a space for children to imagine building their own businesses and homes to form a community. Learn about when Aberdeen was a quickly built tent and sod house town, situated on the wetlands of Dakota Territory in the spring of 1881. Building blocks of various types, a reading nook tent, and more will keep children and their families entertained with creative and educational fun. ALL CHILDREN MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A RESPONSIBLE ADULT IN EXHIBITS and are kindly reminded to use their museum manners, as posted in the exhibit.