Life in Miniature
“Life in Miniature” Lamont Gallery (Jan 6 to May 4)
Models, miniatures, doll houses and furniture, and small-scale replica toys from the museum collection will fill the Lamont Gallery with an exhibit in which careful attention to detail will entice viewers to appreciate the small things. Several of the artifacts have been handmade and include models of seven well-known historic buildings from Brown County made by Don Miller. Also on display are a 6-foot working wind turbine model recently donated by Aberdeen’s former Molded Fiberglass of SD, a model of Aberdeen’s former Grain Palace made by Joe Hauck, a working model of the Grafunder prototype field seeder, a hand carved replica of a four-mast 1800s ship and more! An exhibit addition still in progress is a recently donated dollhouse, an exact scale (1 inch = 1 foot) replica of Aberdeen’s own Longfellow House on North Main Street. Once cleaning and repairs are complete, this impressive addition will be revealed!