Dakota Student Art Exhibition
7-12 Grade Art Students of the Dakotas are invited to participate in an amazing event!
Wednesday, April 17 [OR] Thursday, April 18, 2024 (Choose the day that fits your schedule!)
Event Venue: Aberdeen Recreation and Cultural Center, 225 3rd Ave SE, Aberdeen, SD
Exciting things are planned, and you don’t want to miss it! The Dakota Student Art Exhibition is an educational experience to bring young people together under the mentorship of professional artists. Register your team of six students to participate in an enriching workshop experience and have their work displayed to represent their school in a judged gallery show! This event will motivate and empower your students in three hands-on art workshops and a judge’s gallery workshop where conversation about art is personalized and encouraging feedback is received. EVERY student attends EVERY workshop for a well-rounded experience. A ‘brain break’ art station is available during free moments, as well as opportunities to peruse the student art show. Plus! Teachers will enjoy a special session for art educators.
Each day ends with an awards ceremony to recognize students for accomplishments. Gallery awards include 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in seven media categories; a Best of Show cash award; Best School Teams from North Dakota and South Dakota; Middle School Student Honorable Mention; the teacher nominated ‘Rising Star Award’; daily Student Choice Awards; and fun door prizes with a winner from each school!
What if I have additional students who would like to attend?
Up six additional students from your school may be registered without exhibited artwork for a small fee per person as (non-team) workshop day attendees.
Register early to secure your date!
Choose the day you attend: Wednesday, April 17 or Thursday, April 18. Mailed registration forms and fees are due March 1. Artwork delivery and emailed student rosters must be received by March 29.
Curious about our history? What is the Dakota Student Art Exhibition? Who is John Sieh? This event was first held at the Granary Rural Cultural Center near Groton, SD in 1996 and was called the “Granary All Dakota High School Fine Arts Exhibition.” The Granary started as the dream of one man, John Sieh (1925-2015), assisted by family and friends, to create a place to celebrate art on the prairie. Over time Dacotah Prairie Museum of Aberdeen took over sponsorship of the Granary’s student event. Though name and location have evolved, this annual tradition continues to challenge and inspire young people from the Dakotas! To honor and preserve Mr. Sieh’s vision, “Dakota Student Art Exhibition: The John Sieh Legacy” hosted by the museum and sponsored by the Dacotah Prairie Museum Foundation, aims to create a time and space reserved for art students to learn and grow. Our venue, the Aberdeen Recreation and Cultural Center’s Library Auditorium and art classrooms,
is generously provided by the Parks Department of the city of Aberdeen.
Gallery Open House! Help spread the word!
The public is invited to attend the Evening Gallery Open House in the ARCC Library Auditorium (2nd Floor) Wednesday, April 17, 4-8 pm. Plus, the gallery is open for public viewing during the lunch hour, April 17-18, 11:45 am-12:45 pm.