Artists of the Prairie: Biennial Collaborative Art Show

Call for Entries!

Submit Your Entry

2023 Art Show Theme: Dreams and Memories

Location: Lamont Gallery, Dacotah Prairie Museum, Aberdeen SD

“Artists of the Prairie” is an art collaboration that celebrates art and artists of the prairie, nurtures our prairie culture, promotes creativity, engages people in meaningful art experiences, and provides a venue for established and emerging artists to exhibit work. This group exhibition, to be displayed in the Lamont Gallery at the Dacotah Prairie Museum of Aberdeen, SD, is open to current and past residents of South Dakota, North Dakota, and Minnesota.

We are seeking a variety of 2-D and 3-D entries, representative of diverse perspectives and artistic interpretations of the 2023 exhibit theme “Dreams and Memories”. Due to gallery space, the show is limited to submission of ONE work per artist. All artwork must be original; ready to display; framed and wired for gallery installation, not exceeding size criteria; and must meet eligibility guidelines.

About Submitting Your Artwork

Application Deadline: August 19, 2023

Application and artwork image submission deadline is August 19, 2023. Application forms can be downloaded and submitted via email.

After notice of acceptance into the show, works must be delivered to Dacotah Prairie Museum September 15-16, 2023 (or mailed to arrive by Friday, September 15). All artwork MUST BE CLEARLY LABELED on the back/bottom USING THE ID LABEL PROVIDED in the application paperwork! Print the “Artwork Delivery” page for this purpose!

“Artists of the Prairie: Dreams and Memories” will be exhibited September 30 to November 25, 2023 in the Museum’s Lamont Gallery and open to the public during regular gallery hours.

Submit Completed Application and Image of Artwork to Email:
(If necessary, applications may also be mailed to the Museum.)


Thank you for your time and consideration. Questions? Call (605) 626-7117 or email:

Marianne Marttila-Klipfel, Curator of Exhibits

Jay Hopkins-Entzel, Curatorial Assistant in Exhibits