2024 Dakota Student Art Exhibition Winners

Annual event hosted by Dacotah Prairie Museum

[ABERDEEN, SD, April 2024] — The 29th annual Dakota Student Art Exhibition was hosted by the Dacotah Prairie Museum (DPM) April 17 and 18 at the Aberdeen Recreation and Cultural Center (ARCC).

Middle and high school students from 18 South Dakota schools showcased their student artwork at the ARCC April 17-18. This annual arts program is held over two days; students attend a gallery session and three art workshops presented by professional artists. In its 29 years it has provided constructive and supportive feedback to young artists while also letting them experience interactive art workshops with a variety of mediums. This year 127 students participated; over 4,000 students have attended since its inception in 1996. The student art show was the vision of John Sieh, an avid supporter of the arts in rural settings. It was created to celebrate young artists and to encourage them to pursue a lifelong interest in the fine arts. His Granary Rural Cultural Center in rural Groton, S.D. hosted the event from 1996 until 2018. The DPM and staff have supported this event since the beginning and continue to promote Sieh’s legacy of providing opportunities to young artists in our region.

This year’s judges, Annette DuBord from Fargo, ND who is trained printmaker and partner in the Fun Hose Press Studio in the Fargo/Moorhead area, and Lois Beckner from Aberdeen, SD, who is an artist, art instructor, traveling speaker, and gallery curator. The judges choose winners in 7 media categories, along with best in show, best team, and middle school honorable mention, winners are as follows:

Best in Show: Natasha Kaderabek, Northwestern Area for “Avant Garde” quilling portrait.
Best School Team: Northwestern Area High School
Middle School Honorable Mention: Tate Dosch, Frederick Area for “Sunflower” printmaking.

Lora Schaunaman, former DPM curator of exhibits and professional artist, presented the Rising Star in the Visual Arts Award to Kimberly Meyer, Selby Area for “My Father-My Hero” glass 3D sculpture.

Media Categories First Place:
Painting, Noelle Rau, Selby Area, “2 Cars”
Drawing, Mylee Rainbow, Mount Vernon, “Beauty Beyond”
Printmaking, Angelina Molina, Northwestern Area, “Credeuce”
Digital Media & Photography, Rebecca Huizenga, Hitchcock-Tulare, “Warmth of the Sun”
Fibers, Leather & Beadwork, Cole Sandland, Mount Vernon, “Native Honor”
Other 2D Design/2D Mixed Media, Brooke Jones, Mitchell High, “Face from the Past”
Other 3D Form/3D Mixed Media, Ari Sichmeller, Webster Area, “Gearhart”

This year’s event was supported by the Dacotah Prairie Museum Foundation.

The Dacotah Prairie Museum celebrates over 50 years as Brown County’s premier history museum. The Museum is housed in the historic Northwestern Bank building built in 1889 on Aberdeen’s Main Street. Gallery & Museum Store Hours: Tues.-Fri. 10am-5pm and Sat. 11am-4pm. Closed Sundays, Mondays, and major holidays. Free admission, donations appreciated. Check out the latest exhibits and events at www.dacotahprairiemuseum.com


If you would like more information about this topic, please call Patricia Kendall at 605.626.7117, or email patricia.kendall@browncounty.sd.gov.